Dana SheaninJewish LearningWorks
Dana Sheanin’s commitment to food justice began as a pre-teen serving holiday meals with her family at the Bell Shelter in Los Angeles. Today she is the Chief Executive Officer of Jewish LearningWorks, a Bay Area based organization focused on training teachers and educational leaders in Jewish organizations. She has spent thirty years working in philanthropy and education, and is honored to join the ACCFB board.
Dana moved to the Bay Area more than twenty years ago, after receiving a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Southern California, and a Master of Arts in Jewish Nonprofit Management from Hebrew Union College. The high cost of living and increasing poverty in the Bay Area have deepened her commitment to ending food insecurity.
Dana first encountered ACCFB as a volunteer with her young children, is a long time donor, and is eager to provide additional support through Board service.
She is a professional leadership coach, former board member of a domestic violence organization, the mother of four twenty-something adults, and recently married her partner of eleven years, Sue Bojdak.