Our Commitment to Fight for What We Believe

On behalf of our entire Alameda County Community Food Bank community including our staff, board, agency partners, volunteers, sponsors, contributors, advocates, food program participants, and supporters – we are committed to fight for what we believe:

  • Food is a basic human right.
  • Every child, adult and senior should have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live vibrant, productive lives – nutritious food is essential to success.
  • Our Community and economy must be inclusive of everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, family or immigration status, ability, how they worship, or who they love – everyone should have a path to economic prosperity.
  • Alameda County Community Food Bank honors our differences and celebrates the diversity of our Community.

Alameda County Community Food Bank remains passionately committed to working with community advocates and elected officials to ensure that nutrition and other safety-net programs continue to be accessible and meet the needs of community members.

Your commitment – including your voice and enthusiasm – energizes our staff, board, agency partners, and all who support us as we passionately pursue a hunger-free community.

We work every day to make ours a more just community by providing essential nourishment for our bodies and minds. We invite you to continue to be part of our work in furtherance of a more equitable and inclusive Alameda County, where a person’s life chances and outcomes are not determined by political affiliation, economic status, place of origin, immigration status, religion, age, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, or other personal characteristics.

Please join us.

SIGNED, on behalf of the entire Alameda County Community Food Bank