Vote out Hunger!
There is no greater tool than our collective power to end hunger and its root causes.
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Equity = Redistribution of Power + Resources
What would our community look like if every voice was heard?
The Roots of Hunger Run Deep. Vote to Uproot and Redistribute.
Alameda County Community Food Bank is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse or oppose political candidates running for office.
Advocacy Blog
California Hunger Action Day 2024
ACCFB Goes to Sacramento for Hunger Action Day! Tuesday, April 30, was Hunger Action Day! We reached out to our Policy & Partnerships team to ask them about the big day. ACCFB: What
ACCFB Goes to Washington
September was National Hunger Action Month, and it was no better time to lobby our members of Congress. Every five years, a giant piece of legislation called the Farm Bill is passed, but it
Community Power Leads to Advocacy Wins
An Invitation to Hunger Action Week By 6:45 on a surprisingly chilly May morning in 2019, the St. Mary’s Center parking lot was already starting to fill up with people who were drowsy