2020 Ballot Endorsements
At Alameda County Community Food Bank, our goal is to eradicate the root causes of hunger and poverty. This includes supporting legislation that promotes economic inclusion and racial justice.
The Food Bank enthusiastically endorses the following three propositions:
Yes on Proposition 15
What does it do?
- Closes property tax loopholes by requiring non-residential, commercial, and industrial property to be reassessed for tax purposes based on its actual, fair, market value.
- Would not affect commercial and industrial properties whose business owners have $3 million or less in holdings in California.
- Alameda County stands to realize an additional $652 million in annual revenue (the largest share will fund public schools and community colleges).
Why does it matter to ACCFB?
- Only 3 out of 10 people in poverty are white. The passage of Prop 15 is a critical step towards closing the racial wealth gap, and ending significant health and wealth disparities between school districts, neighborhoods, and communities across California. Proposition 15 will generate investment in local government infrastructure and community-based organizations, thereby positively impacting communities that have been historically redlined and oppressed. By redirecting capital into divested communities, Prop 15 reverses over four decades of racialized divestment away from public resources, like schools and county safety net programs, that are instrumental to preventing hunger, promoting racial equity, and shaping future economic and social opportunity.
Yes on Proposition 17
What does it do?
- Restores the right to vote to people convicted of felonies who are on parole.
Why does it matter to ACCFB?
- At ACCFB, we envision and work towards a world where everyone in our community, particularly communities that are most impacted by hunger, have a voice in public policy making arenas. Yet, 50,000 Californians, a disproportionate number of which are Black and Latinx, are on parole and pay taxes, yet do not have a say in the policies that affect their lives and communities. Voting is a critical policy making space which shapes the future state of hunger in our community; it is a space that formerly incarcerated individuals should not be excluded from.
Yes on Proposition 18
What does it do?
- Allows 17-year-olds who will have attained the age of 18 by the time of the next general election to vote in primary elections and special elections.
Why does it matter to ACCFB?
- Just like our endorsement of Proposition 17, ACCFB believes in fair and equal civic voice especially for populations that are disproportionately impacted by hunger. This includes youth who should have a say in the policies that affect their lives and communities.
Check out our Vote Resource Page to make your 2020 Election Plan today!
Alameda County Community Food Bank is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse political candidates.