Kevin Ryan, Delta Dental Foundation and Corporate Social Responsibility Director
As the director of foundation and corporate social responsibility at Delta Dental, I take pride in working for an organization that places purpose at the core of its mission. It’s easy to toss around phrases like “exceptional care” and “community impact,” but at Delta Dental, these aren’t just sound bites. Our commitment to providing quality healthcare starts with our dental beneficiaries and extends to our larger community. This includes our relationship with the Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB), because access to nutritious food is a key social determinant of good health.
Working in healthcare, we are acutely aware of the dramatic racial disparities that persist. Many oppressed communities lack access to quality, culturally relevant food. ACCFB doesn’t merely provide access to nutritious food; it ensures that individuals have choices aligned with their cultures. It’s about creating a system in which people can control the mechanisms of food they consume. This is food sovereignty and a stride the Food Bank has made that demonstrates its commitment to racial equity.
Delta Dental contributes to the Food Bank in multiple ways. Our employees have been volunteering since 2016, many of them even longer. Volunteerism is one of our company values, and we provide 16 hours of paid volunteer time for every employee.
Living and working in our hometowns, we understand the importance of fostering a just, resilient community. When our employees contribute to our community, we strengthen every link in the chain, enriching our staff, our company’s internal ecosystem, and the lives of our neighbors struggling with food insecurity. This reinforces the notion that we are all part of a community of people.
Delta Dental also contributes financially. Since 2018, we have given $645,000 in grants to support ACCFB’s efforts. We also match employee charitable donations up to $1,000.
Collectively, these efforts contribute to the Food Bank’s mission of ending hunger in Alameda County. Together with partners like ACCFB, Delta Dental strives to build a healthier, more equitable society in which we all have access to quality, nutritious food.