
Building Relationships in Berkeley through Mobile Pantry

2021-06-17T18:03:20+00:005 Jan, 2021|CalFresh, News, Uncategorized|

By Ingrid Becker, Associate Director - Community Engagement What a difference a trailer makes. That's what Bob Whalen says as he hauls a gleaming silver and white carriage to roadside encampments in Berkeley. Whalen is the food services manager

We count. Therefore, we must be counted.

2020-09-18T00:18:06+00:0018 Sep, 2020|Advocacy, CalFresh, News, Uncategorized|

I have skepticism. As a Black man in America, I have over 500 years of evidence to affirm and legitimize my skepticism, particularly as it relates to the federal government. From a constitution that considers me “three-fifths of all

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